At Luster Group, through our innovation and actions, we focus on making every day better for people and the planet. Our sustainability goal is to create industry-leading values while at the same time conserving resources, protecting the environment and improving social conditions for those who need it most.
We are dedicated to products, solutions, systems and culture that contribute to solving global sustainability challenges and protect the environment for today and tomorrow. Moreover, we educate and inspire employees to conduct business activities in an environmentally responsible manner not only in the workplace, but also at home.
The Company and its subsidiaries (Group) have relied on the guidance provided under the Guide for its sustainability practices. The Guide provides continuity, relevance and sustainability of the practices in our organisation and helps us to identify, evaluate and manage our material economic, environmental and social (EES) risk and opportunities.
Our sustainability practices aim to generate long term benefits for our stakeholders in terms of business continuity and value creation and at the same time contribute to the advancement of the larger society while still retaining the fundamental purpose of our enterprise.
Sustainability practices should be embedded and integrated into the business operations of an organisation rather than on a standalone basis, to ensure continuity, relevance and sustainability of the practices. In order to embed sustainability effectively, our Board of Directors (Board) has committed to lead the sustainability development efforts by establishing a Sustainability Working Group (SWG) to be responsible for identifying material sustainability matters, formulating the related sustainability initiatives and practices and overseeing their implementation and performance.
Sustainablity Practices
In line with the Guide, sustainability is viewed in the context of EES, as good governance is regarded as one of the underlying foundations that underpin the focus on performamce along the aforementioned dimensions. The terms economic, environmental and sosial can be explained as follows:
An organisation's impacts on the economic conditions of its stakeholders and on economic systems at national, and global levels. It does not focus on the financial condition of the organisation.
Note: These may include the organisation's procurement practices, or community investment.
An organisation's impacts on living and non-living natural systems, including land, local, local, air, water and ecosystems.
Note: These may include the organisation's usage of energy and water, discharge of emissions, or loss of biodiversity, etc.
The impacts an organisation has on the sosial systems within which it operates.
Note: These may include the organisation's relationships with communities, employees, consumers, etc.