Corporate Information


Create Value

Since its foundation in 1986, Luster has taken the lead in the industry in terms of innovation, foresight and strategic technological advances.We are a competent and strong partner servicing international clients of repute in designing, developing and realizing individual solutions according to customized requirements.

What we manufacture is creating values. Luster continually strives to set new standards, not only in technology but also in corporate responsibility. Our culture ensures simplicity, flexibility and sustainability. All unfailingly spells our stakeholders’ successes.

Lee Lean Suan (Chairman)
Ahmad Kamal Bin S. Awab
Nah Ren Ren

Nah Ren Ren (Chairman)
Lee Lean Suan
Ahmad Kamal Bin S. Awab

Lee Lean Suan (Chairman)
Ahmad Kamal Bin S. Awab
Nah Ren Ren

Ahmad Kamal Bin S. Awab (Chairman)
Chuah Chong Ewe
Lee Lean Suan
Nah Ren Ren

Wong Yee Lin (MIA 15898)
SSM Practicing No : 201908001793
Hing Poe Pyng (MAICSA 7053526)
SSM Practicing No : 202008001322

51-8-A Menara BHL Bank
Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah
10050 Penang
Tel : 04-373 6616
Fax : 04-373 6615

Plot 36 & 37
Jalan PKNK Utama
Kawasan Perusahaan Sungai Petani
08000 Sungai Petani
Kedah Darul Aman

Grant Thornton Malaysia PLT
(AF: 0737)
201906003682 (LLP0022494-LCA)
Level 5, Menara BHL
Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah
10050 Penang

Messrs Y.C. Wong
Lot W17A1
17th Floor West Block
Wisma Selangor Dredging
No. 142C Jalan Ampang
50450 Kuala Lumpur 

Al-Rajhi Banking and Investment Corporation (Malaysia) Berhad
Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad
Alliance Islamic Bank Berhad
AmIslamic Bank Berhad
Hong Leong Bank Berhad
Hong Leong Islamic Bank Berhad
Malayan Banking Berhad
MBSB Bank Berhad
OCBC Bank Berhad
Public Bank Berhad
United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Berhad

Braxton Consulting Sdn Bhd
198501008643 (141091-W)
518-A Menara BHL Bank
Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah
10050 Penang.
Tel : 04-373 6616
Fax : 04-373 6615

Main Market of the Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad
Stock Name : LUSTER
Stock Code : 5068